Get Involved
Thank you for your interest in CPALS (Carolina Pediatric Attention, Love and Support). These volunteers make a huge difference in the UNC Community through serving patients and families who are experiencing a pediatric cancer or severe blood disorder. Volunteers serve shifts in the outpatient clinic, and may progress to having a special 1:1 pal (pediatric patient who has cancer or a life threatening blood disorder).
Getting Started in CPALS
Actual registration for CPALS is done through UNC Hospitals Volunteer Services. It is necessary to go through hospital volunteer registration and orientation before beginning this volunteer role.
*Please note: Incoming first year undergraduate students are not eligible to become registered hospital volunteers until they have completed their first full academic year.
Requirements for Being in CPALS
CPALS is a UNC student organization, and attendance at monthly meetings is required. (A university-scheduled class is the only excused absence from meetings). Additional special project and fundraising requirements are also required each semester (all of which directly benefit our patients and families). Becoming a CPAL requires at least a one year (two semesters) commitment for volunteering.
Getting a 1:1 Pal
Those interested in eventually having a 1:1 pal must first serve in a clinic shift to become familiar with the environment and experiences surrounding pediatric cancer. After that, an application process and special orientation will prepare you for this unique, important, and sometimes intense volunteer role. (Please note that a schedule with more availability, especially morning availability, will make it easier to match you with a 1:1 pal). A 1:1 pal’s treatment could occur in the clinic, inpatient in the Children’s Hospital, or in the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit. CPALS are expected to meet their pals for all appointments and to visit their pals during inpatient stays at least every 1-2 days.
Registered vs. Non-registered Volunteers
Check out the document below to know the difference!
Registered vs. non-registered